Tuesday, October 11, 2011

So a while ago Crystal told me a brilliant idea of hers and I loved it so I am copying her and I told her I would. The idea is to write a journal to your daughter! I wish I had done it earlier but better late than never right? So I have started it and today I decided to write down all of the words that Sage can actually say. I have found it to be pretty extensive! Here are some of my favorites...

Papa (Grandpa)
Ya Ya (Grandma for Lynette)
Day (Daylen)
Help (comes out more like Hep)
But (Bus)
Stinky (always said while pinching her nose of course)
Elephant (sort of)
kiger (tiger)
hmm (I say this when I am looking for something and want her to help me)
head (she says these words-bed and head- mostly when we are singing 5 little monkeys)
I'm coming
yee haw
Beep Beep (I say that to her when I need her to move out of the way. On a side note I was watching the biggest loser last week and I heard her saying "beep, beep, beep" when they were weighing the contestants!)
fish (comes out feesh)
sheesh (I admit I taught her this one on purpose)
and two new ones today... ant, and wait!
We were reading a book today and I went to turn the page and she puts her hand on it and goes wait! Apparently she wanted to show me something before I turned the page.

Her new favorite food is Ramen. (I love how she puckers out her lips!)

We went through a phase where she would refuse almost everything I would give her. Talk about frustrating! Who knew she could live on waffles, milk and pretzels for days on end! Fortunately, she's getting better about eating different foods now.

Here are some more videos of Sage. I tried to post the first one a while ago but I had technical difficulties because it was from my phone so I had to convert it, blah, blah, and here it is! ( you might want to turn up your volume a little so you can hear her.)

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