Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sleepy Biker

So we finally got Sage a bike seat and now we can all ride as a family! Tyson found a bike/running trail that apparently goes from Spokane to Cheney (where EWU's main campus is located- about a 30 minute drive). The trail goes to a lake which is only about 10 miles from where we started, but we didn't go that far. Our trip was 10 miles round trip, which I think is pretty good with Sage. She had so much fun. Every time we asked her if she was having fun she would just laugh and say "Go, mom!" She did fall asleep on the way back in her cute lady bug helmet, aww.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mineral Ridge

Hey I am back with another video of Sage, it is at the bottom of this post. She is pretty much the only reason this blog still exists! This video is basically for your guys' benefit, our family and friends, since we are living states away!

Just a few updates, Tyson only has 4 more weeks of this quarter and then he gets a week off! Yay! After that he will start his summer quarter which is a week or so of class and then he starts his first clinical for 5 weeks in Yakima. It technically starts on July 9th. So while he is in Yakima I will be visiting Utah! While I am not thrilled about not seeing Tyson for that long, I am excited to come back for a visit! Wow almost a whole year will have gone by since we left!

As for me, I got my wisdom teeth out a few weeks ago which I totally went under for and am so glad I did. Tyson was great and took care of me and Sage did well too. She could come up to me and say "mommy hurt" and give me a hug. I have been substitute teaching off and on- good and bad experiences, but the money is pretty good- and have been volunteering at a nearby elementary twice a week. Pretty low key, but love spending all my other time with Sage. She can be sooo frustrating at times but is the absolute sweetest thing!

Sage is saying a lot of things lately. Her favorites lately are: mine! Stop it! And Me Do it! When we go on walks and she hears the dogs barking in backyards and such she gets a little nervous. The way she deals with this is (from the safety of her stroller of course) to shush them with her finger to her lips and and then whispers "be quiet". She totally cracks me up.

So here is the synopsis of our video: A couple weeks ago,Tyson really wanted to get out of town for a bit since he had some extra time on the weekend. So we drove to Couer d'Alene and found a place called Mineral Ridge, where we grilled some steaks and went on a little hike. We had a lot of fun and Sage only had one melt down when Tyson didn't have permission to eat one of her goldfish snacks. We spared you that little scene. :)

By the way, Sage is in her p.j.s because she spilled water all over herself in the car. I'm glad we had something for her to change into... I am posting this video because it is fun to hear her talking a little more these days. I edited it so it is a little choppy but you'll get the idea.